M.Com. , B.Ed., SET, PhD.
- Published an article “ BRICK OR CLICK- THE BRAND FUTURE CONVERSATION , Published in SANSMARAN Research Journal on E- Commerce, Volume 2, December 2012, ISSN : 2278-7801.
- Published a Paper Title: Entrepreneurs – DESIGNING FROM THE HEART – THE BUSINESS OF DESIGN. Published in ISBN 978-81-910922-7-1.
- Published a Paper Title “THE UNIFIED GLOBAL FEEL OF INDIAN RETAIL – Visual Merchandising the Indian Way,” in International Organization of Scientific Research e-ISSN: 2278-487x p-ISSN :2319-7668
- Published a Paper Title “NEW TRENDS IN INDIAN RETAIL MARKETING- INNOVATIVE SILENT SALESMAN – MANNEQUINS” for International Research & Thesis Conference, Pathh 2014 .ISBN NO. 978-81-926742-1-6
- Published a paper Title “Strategies of Retail Industry – Enticing and Engaging Customers for a Relationship that last.” for International Interdisciplinary Conference on Commerce, Management, Information Technology and Humanities- Publication details- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR). Volume III, Issue 11(1), Feb, 2015. ISSN- 2277-9302
- Published a paper Title “Meeting the Retail Challenge- the power of customer value plus influence” for 8th International Business Research Conference-Publication details- International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume 2 – e-ISSN: 2278-487X p-ISSN: 2319-7668.
- Published a paper Title “OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILING A NEW STRATEGY OF RETAIL” at 9thInternational Business Research Conference Theme- “Re-visioning the Scope of Businesses”. Organized by Indian Education Society’s Management college and Research Centre. Published in (IOSR) Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume 3 – e-ISSN: 2278-487 ; p-ISSN: 2319-7668
- Published a paper Title ““QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND TEACHING –IS SIX SIGMA IN HIGHER EDUCATION A CHALLENGE” at Bhavishya – Udaan Naye Bharat Ki- “Scaling New Heights and Horizons in Higher Education – Organized by Thakur College of Science & Commerce in collaboration with University of Mumbai. Published in Bhavisya -Scholory Research Journal. ISSN: 2319-4766- Impact Factor 4.9
- Published a paper Title “CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN DELIVERING A GREAT CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE” at 2nd Multi-Diciplinary International Conference –Commerce, Management “Theme- Make in India – Strategies Challenges & Opportunities . Published in An International Journal of Commerce, Economics and Management- ISSN-2394-4560- Vol 2
Papers Presented:
- Presented a paper for International symposium on Management, Commerce and Social sciences (IRSMTES Jan7th& 8th -2013) Organized by Department of Commerce, Burhani College of Commerce and Arts, Burhani Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai In Association with Choice Institute of Management Studies and Research, Pune, Paper Title:VISUAL MERCHANDISING AND RETAIL DESIGN – A SCIENCE OF MASTERING RETAIL AND DEVELOPING CUSTOMER LOYALTY.
- Presented a paper for International Commerce and Management Conference on Global Recession (Dec 2009) Organised by The University Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai. . Paper titled “Global Recession: Management and Strategies for Retail revival in context to India.
- Presented a paper for International Commerce and Management Conference (Jan 10th&11th -2013) On “Re-inventing Trade, Commerce and Management in Global scenario; Challenges and Opportunities” Organised by The University Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai. Jointly with Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai Group of Institutions, Paper Title: GLOBAL LOCALISATION OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING AND RETAIL DESIGN – INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. INDIAN CONTEXT.
- Presented a Paper for A Paper for National Seminar (19th Jan 2013) on Entrepreneurship – Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in the small and medium Enterprise Sectors in India. Organised by Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies. Paper Title: Entrepreneurs – DESIGNING FROM THE HEART – THE BUSINESS OF DESIGN. Published in ISBN 978-81-910922-7-1.
- Presented a Paper Title “THE NEW RETAIL MARKETING PRACTICES – INNOVATIVE DIGITAL DISPLAY —– CHANGING HOW BRAND REACH CUSTOMERS. CHANGING HOW CUSTOMERS SHOP. ,” at International Commerce and Management Conference on– “Innovations and In-roads in Commerce, Management and Technology in the Global Arena: Challenges Ahead” organized by THE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI
- Presented a Paper Title “THE UNIFIED GLOBAL FEEL OF INDIAN RETAIL – Visual Merchandising the Indian Way,” at 7th International Business Research Conference – Emerging Business Practices: Differentiation Value Creation, Organized by INDIAN EDUCATION SOCIETY’S MANAGEMENT COLLEGE AND RESEARCH CENTRE MUMBAI, INDIA In association with IGCCIA
- Presented a paper Title “ Challenges and strategies of Retail Industries in the global business in context to Store Format” at International Commerce and Management Conference on “Global Business Finance and Leadership; Challenges and Opportunities” Organized by the UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI – on 19th and 20th January 2015.
- Presented a paper Title “Strategies of Retail Industry – Enticing and Engaging Customers for a Relationship that last.” At International Interdisciplinary Conference on Commerce, Management, Information Technology and Humanities held on 7th February, 2015, at MVM Educational Campus, Andheri (West).
- Presented a paper Title “Meeting the Retail Challenge- the power of customer value plus influence at 8th International Business Research Conference Organized by Indian Education Society’s Management College and Research Centre on 27th Feb 2015.
- Presented a paper Title “OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILING A NEW STRATEGY OF RETAIL” at 9th International Business Research Conference Theme- “Re-visioning the Scope of Businesses”. Organized by Indian Education Society’s Management college and Research Centre. (Saturday, 30thjanuary, 2016)
- Presented a paper Title ““QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND TEACHING –IS SIX SIGMA IN HIGHER EDUCATION A CHALLENGE” at Bhavishya – Udaan Naye Bharat Ki- “Scaling New Heights and Horizons in Higher Education – Organized by Thakur College of Science & Commerce in collaboration with University of Mumbai( 18th Feb 2016).
- Presented a paper Title “CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN DELIVERING A GREAT CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE” at 2nd Multi-Disciplinary International Conference –Commerce, Management “Theme- Make in India – Strategies Challenges & Opportunities (27th Feb, 2016).
Workshops attended:
Attended Workshops on Syllabus revision, Research Methodology , etc.
Courses Completed:
- Completed 1 Orientation Course (UGC-Academic Staff College-University of Mumbai)
- Completed 2 Refresher Course (UGC-Academic Staff College-University of Mumbai)
- Completed 1 Refresher Course (TISS)
- Completed 1 short term Course (UGC-Academic Staff College-University of Mumbai)
Research Involvement:
Has successfully completed Research (PhD) in ““Study of Visual Merchandising practices in Retail Industry in Mumbai with special reference to cosmetics and perfumes. from JDBIMS- SNDT University.
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