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St. Andrew's College - Degree College Faculty

The Incredible workforce behind St. Andrew’s College – Our proficient faculty provides students with expert guidance across all aspects of learning. This is accomplished through an efficient combination of teaching methods and an all-encompassing learning fulcrum.

Principal and Vice-Principals

Dr. Marie Fernandes

Dr. Marie Fernandes


M.A., D.H.E., 
Ph.D. (University of Mumbai)

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Dr. Susan Lobo

Dr. Susan Lobo

Vice Principal (Degree-Aided)

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (University of Mumbai)
Dr. Sharon Gonsalves-Durham

Dr. Sharon Gonsalves-Durham

Vice Principal (Degree-SFC)

M.Com., B.Ed., Ph.D. (University of Mumbai)

Co – Ordinator – M.Com.

Degree College

Department of English

Dr. Marie Fernandes

Dr. Marie Fernandes


M.A., D.H.E.,


Dr. Susan Lobo

Dr. Susan Lobo

Associate Professor

M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D. (University of Mumbai),


Vice-Principal (Aided Section)

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Dr. Preeti Oza

Dr. Preeti Oza

Associate Professor

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (University of Mumbai),

P.G. Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism

P.G. Diploma in film studies

Ph.D. – 1  (2013)

Ph.D. – 2 (2024)

Ms. Shruti Warrier

Ms. Shruti Warrier

Assistant Professor


P.G. Diploma in English Language
University of Edinburgh

Department of Economics

Ms. Pooja Joshi

Ms. Pooja Joshi

Assistant Professor


Department of Psychology

Ms. Shubda Malhotra

Ms. Shubda Malhotra

Associate Professor

M.A., M.Phil.


Ms. Sharmila Dhote

Ms. Sharmila Dhote

Associate Professor



Department of Sociology

Dr. Vatika Sibal

Dr. Vatika Sibal

Associate Professor

M.A., LL.B, Ph.D. (University of Mumbai), 


Department of History

Ms. Janine Coelho

Ms. Janine Coelho

Assistant Professor

M.A., B. Ed.,

S.E.T., N.E.T


Department of Commerce

Dr. Harmeet Kaur Bhasin

Dr. Harmeet Kaur Bhasin

Associate Professor

M.Com., B.Ed., Ph.D. (SNDT University),


Ms. Ninoshka D'Silva

Ms. Ninoshka D'Silva

Assistant Professor



Ms. Elizabeth Dias

Ms. Elizabeth Dias

Assistant Professor

M.Com., P.G.Diploma – HR & Administration, (TISS )

Department of Accountancy

CA Kevin M. Miranda

CA Kevin M. Miranda

Assistant Professor

M.Com.,  F.C.A., M-SET


Dr. Jyoti Bhatia

Dr. Jyoti Bhatia

Assistant Professor

M.Com., ACS, ACMA, LL.B, Ph.D.,


CA Rachel George

CA Rachel George

Assistant Professor

M.Com., C.A., C.P.A. (U.S.A.), 


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Dr. Priya Shahi

Dr. Priya Shahi

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (Mathematics & Computing),

Ph..D. (Thapar University, Punjab),

J.R.F., N.E.T.


Department of Environmental Studies 

Ms. Vineetha Nair

Ms. Vineetha Nair

Assistant Professor

M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.



Department of B.M.S

Dr. Sharon Gonsalves-Durham

Dr. Sharon Gonsalves-Durham

Assistant Professor

M.Com., B.Ed., Ph.D. (University of Mumbai),

Vice Principal – SFC Section

Co – Ordinator – B.M.S.

Co – Ordinator – M.Com.

 Mr. Jordin Carvalho

Mr. Jordin Carvalho

Assistant Professor

M.Com., B.Ed., 

N.E.T., S.E.T.

Department of M.Com

Dr. Sharon Gonsalves-Durham

Dr. Sharon Gonsalves-Durham

Assistant Professor

M.Com., B.Ed., Ph.D. (University of Mumbai),

Vice Principal – SFC Section

Co – Ordinator – B.M.S.

Co – Ordinator – M.Com.


Department of B.A.(M.M.C)

Ms Martins Concessao

Ms Martins Concessao

Assistant Professor

MA (English Lit), PET

Co-ordinator B.A.(M.M.C.)

Department of B.Sc.(I.T.)

Ms. A.N.S. Sarvani

Ms. A.N.S. Sarvani

Assistant Professor

M.Sc.(CS), B.Ed.

Co-ordinator B.Sc.(I.T.)

Ms. Rachel Shinde

Ms. Rachel Shinde

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (I.T.)

Department of B.Com.(A&F)

Mr. Abhishek Sood

Mr. Abhishek Sood

Assistant Professor


Co-ordinator B.Com.(A&F)

Mr. Ritesh Sheth

Mr. Ritesh Sheth

Assistant Professor



Department of B. Sc.(Hospitality Studies)

Ms. Savita K Giri

Ms. Savita K Giri

Assistant Professor

M.Sc.(Hotel Management & Catering Tech. & Tourism), 

Co-ordinator B.Sc.(H.S.)

M.B.A Human Resource Management

Ms.  Shraddha Yadav

Ms. Shraddha Yadav

Assistant Professor

M.Sc.(Tourism and Hospitality Studies)



Department of B.Com.(B&I)

Dr. Shirley Gladwin

Dr. Shirley Gladwin

Assistant Professor

M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., B.Ed.

Ph.D. (University of Mumbai)

Co-ordinator B.Com.(B&I)


Dr. Sujata S. Rajpurkar

Dr. Sujata S. Rajpurkar




Ph.D. (SNDT University)
