Dr.Amelia Correa
Department of Economics
MA, Ph.D
- Capital for, the Twenty-First Century 2016, (with R Correa), Lessons from the Great Recession, editors, ConstantinGurdgiev, Liam Leonard & Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Peres, , Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 273-297
- Asset-Based Reserve Requirements, 2016, (with A Correa), International Journal of Pluralism in Economics Education, vol.7, no.1, pp 39-44
- The Federal Reserve-Wall Street Complex, 2016, (with R Correa), International Journal of Economics and Accounting, forthcoming
- Getting the Financial Institutions Right, 1997, (with R. Correa), Savings and Development, no.3, pp. 295–306
- Stock Markets and Banks: Complements or Substitutes? 2002, (with R. Correa, D. Tripati Rao and G. Tavares), Udyog Pragati, vol. 26, no.1, pp.10–18
- The Subgame Imperfection of Financial Capitalism, 2003, (with R. Correa, D. Tripati Rao and G. Tavares), Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, vol.14, no.1, pp.3–12
- A Structural Case for International Cooperation, 2003, (with R. Correa), Journal of Economic Integration, vol.18, no.2, pp.406–419
- Basics, Non–Basics, Money, and Credit: a Development Perspective, 2004, (with R. Correa), Philippine Review of Economics, vol.41, no.2, pp. 94–102
- Is Everything Endogenous? 2005, (with R. Correa), Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, vol.16, no.2, pp.197–205
- The Dynamic Inefficiency of Financial Capitalism, 2009, (with R. Correa, D. Tripati Rao and G. Tavares), Applied Economics Letters, vol.16, nos.7–9, pp.755–757
- Microfinance: Debt and Equity Contracts, 2009, (with R. Correa), Applied Economics Letters, vol.16, no.8, pp.859–862
- On the retail sector, 2009, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, vol.21, no.1, pp.69–78
S.No. | Name of Author | Title of Article | Name of Journal | Year of Publication |
1 | Amelia Correa | Democracy over Governance | Brazilian Journal of Political Economy | 2013 vol 22, no 4 pp 638-648 |
2 | Amelia Correa | Corporate Governance and Monetary Policy | Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law | 2014 vol 3, no 3 pp 42-59 |
3 | Amelia Correa | The Monetary-Fiscal Mix | European Journal of Economic Studies | 2014 vol 10, no 4 pp 206-210 |
4 | Amelia Correa | Accounting for Financialization | World Review of Political Economy | 2015 forthcoming |
Papers presented at seminars/conferences:
Microfinance: Debt and Equity Contracts, (with R. Correa), International Conference on Issues in Finance: Theory and Empirics, Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, January 2–3, 2008
Research Involvement:
Title of project: Relative merits of stock–market and bank–based systems with special reference to India Year: 1999 Amount sanctioned: Rs. fifty–five thousand only.
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