Desiree Marie Gonsalves
Department of Commerce
M.Com, DBM
Research Involvement:
- Presented and published a paper on “Analysing the Personal Goods Luxury Market in India” at the 9th International Business Research Conference 2016 held at IES Management College on 30 January 2016.
- Participated in the “Workshop on Research Methodology”
- on 11 and 12 February 2016, held at Ruparel College.
- Attended a workshop on 29 February 2016 at NK College on “Tools and Techniques of Developing Questionnaires”.
- Attended the 8th Conference on Luxury: Luxury’s New Frontiers help at the Grand Hyatt on 25 March 2016.
- Presented and published a paper on “Digital Marketing: An Integral part of Luxury Lifestyle Fashion wear & Apparel in India” at the International Conference Vision 20:20 Leveraging ‘Make in India’ held at Lala Lajpatrai College on 29 and 30April 2016
- Participated and published a paper on ” The Dynamics of Outsourcing: How sustainable will it be?” ISBN: 978-81-923044-2-7 in a UGC sponsored State Level Seminar organised by the Dept. of Commerce & Banking Insurance with VES College on 12 August 2014 on “Outsourcing: Boon or Bane?”
- Presented and published a paper “The New Age smartphone market: an evaluation of influencing factors with undergrads in Mumbai” at an International Conference ‘ on ‘India Calling-A world of opportunities’ organised by the University of Mumbai and DTSS College on 20 Feb 2015 ISBN 978-93-83072-70-5
- Participated in a workshop oraganised by the Board of Studies in Commerce, University of Mumbai at Thakur College on 21 June 2014 with regard to syllabus revision and new paper pattern of the Commerce papers of TYBCom .
- Appointed by Mumbai University as a member of the Local Inquiry Committee to visit The Hind Parishad’s Public Night Degree College to make a report on Continuation and Extension of affiliation with Mumbai University in November 2014.
- Attended a State Level Workshop on “Best Practices in Research” on 20th December 2014 at Vivek College of Commerce.
- Attended a 10 day ISCCR National level workshop from 11 to 20 March 2015 on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS for Social Sciences” at Rizvi College
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