Title: Ruminations: The Andrean Journal of Literature
Year: Oct 2011 Vol: NIL
Issues: NIL
ISSN: 2249-9059
Editors: Dr. Marie Fernandes, Prof. Susan Lobo
Printed By: J. Rose Enterprises
Published By: St. Andrew’s College
1) Introduction Dr. Marie Fernandes
2) ‘Asserting the right to be’: Postcolonial African Writing
and the Discourse of Human Rights Dr. Mala Pandurang
3) Writing the Body of Resistance: Body of Colour and
Beyond in Canadian Women’s Writing Dr.Kamala Gopalan
4) Time in the Piazza: A Reading of II Sabato del Villaggio
(The Village Saturday) by Giacomo Leopardi Dr. Roberto Bertilaccio
5) Challenges of Translating Drama Dr.Hemangi Bhagwat
6) The Public and the Private Mourner in Mahashweta
Devi’s ‘Rudali’ Prof. Lakshmi Muthukumar
7) The Mound of the Dead: Origins, Memory and Monument Ms.Soni Kar
8) Literary Ecology Prof.Vidya Premkumar