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About UNESCO &

Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation Chair of

Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue

Cardinal Paul Poupard

Cardinal Paul Poupard

Adv. Giuseppe Musumeci

Adv. Giuseppe Musumeci

The year 2009 was proclaimed as the International Year of Reconciliation by the United Nations General Assembly. It is at this opportune time that the college has been bestowed with the Chair for Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural studies. It is a small but concrete step towards fostering peace and amity among people. The Inter-Religious Foundation, initiated by Cardinal Poupard, awarded the Chair to St. Andrew’s College. Advocate Giuseppe Musumeci was the official Chairholder. 

The Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation Chair of Inter Religious and Inter Cultural Dialogue was established on the 30th of January, 2009 due to the relentless encouragement and efforts of Archbishop Felix Machado and Cardinal Oswald Gracias. It was a day signifying World Peace Day and Martyr’s Day in India. The inaugural function commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries Archbishop Machado, Fr. Gilbert de Lima, the Managing Trustee Msgr. Nereus, Principal Dr. Marie Fernandes and the members of the college executive committee. Msgr. Nereus gave the welcome speech where he remarked, “We turn to religion to seek God, to seek peace, to praise and worship God and to shower him with thanks, and yet religion is blamed for violence and war. We have succeeded in demolishing the berlin wall, we can even peep through the Chinese bamboo curtain but we have yet to develop an appreciation of religion as varied expressions of the human response to the ultimate.

Cardinal Oswald Gracias

Cardinal Oswald Gracias

Archbishop Felix Machado

Archbishop Felix Machado

St. Andrew’s College – Bandra

St Dominic Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050


Tel: (022) 2640 16 57 | 2642 86 84 

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