Diploma Course in Religion and Society,
Peace and Dialogue
Under the auspices of the Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation Chair for Peace and Dialogue and UNESCO, we offer a University of Mumbai recognised Diploma Course in Religion and Society, Peace and Dialogue. This part-time course, spanning 2 years, is open to anyone post Std. 12. The diploma celebrates India’s rich tradition of cultural harmony while examining the core principles and practices of religious groups in India. While a flexible exam schedule and dissertation make up the formal assessment structure, it is the field visits, virtual tours, freewheeling discussions and myriad activities of the Inter-religious group that our students enjoy most. The course is currently managed by Ms. Janine Coelho and for further information please check out our tab under Certified Courses.

St. Andrew’s College – Bandra
St Dominic Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
Email: info@standrewscollege.ac.in
Tel: (022) 2640 16 57 | 2642 86 84
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