ARJ – Andrean Research Journal
Table of Content
- The River as Metaphor – Dr. Marie Fernandes
- Social Media and Mental Well-being Exploring Relationship between Facebook Usage and Self-esteem — Dr. Madhu Rai
- Positioning Dalits in the Post-Globalised India: shift from Micro to Macro — Dr. Preeti Oza
- A Study on Marketing Strategies Adopted by Reliance to Push Sales in their Retail Mall Sahakari Bhandar — Savina Shenoy
- Marital Adjustment as a Function of Spiritual Intelligence — Sharmila Dhote
- Corporate Governance and Operational Performance: Case Study of Highly Governed Companies Listed in India — Jyoti Bhatia
- College Teachers as Transformational Leaders: A change in Perception — Melanie Andrade

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