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Amenities at St. Andrew's College


At St. Andrew’s College there are are various Amenites available for Students and Teachers


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Amenities at St.Andrew’s College


St.Andrew’s College has various Amenities to Offer ranging from Outdoor Sport Activities like the Basket Ball cum Volley Ball Court to the Gymkhana for Indoor Sports. The College keeps updating the  Facilities from Time to Time with new and exciting activities and games for the Students to choose from.


Basket Ball Court

22m by 25m (Lenght x Breadth)

The Basket Ball court is Open for all the Students from all Streams of Education to Indulge in various Activites, However is closed during Exam times.

Girl’s Common Room

12m by 20m (Lenght x Breadth)

The Girls Common room is available for all Girls from various departments and Streams throughout the Day.


10m by 14m (Lenght x Breadth)

The Gymkhana offers various Indoor activites such as Table Tennis and Chees, The Gymkhana is also eqipped with Gym Equpiment for Students.

Over 2,500 Students

St. Andrew’s College has been educating more than 2500 Students over the past decade, With an increase in Technological Growth and Adaptivity, We are able to fulfill every Student’s Dream.

Empowering Education

With the Growth in Technology and Education, We are able to reach every student’s Educational Insight and Impressions.



NAAC Accredition

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.


– Mother Teresa

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.


– Mother Teresa

St. Andrew’s College – Bandra

St Dominic Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050


Tel: (022) 2640 16 57 | 2642 86 84

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