College Academic Awards | To the student securing highest aggregate marks at the XI standards in Arts , Science and Commerce |
Degree College
Value Education Prizes
Msgr. Nereus Rodrigues Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee (1999) Scholarship | Value Education |
Nelson Mandela Scholarship | Best Value Education Co-ordinator |
Academic Awards/Scholarships
Rev. Dr. Percival Fernandez Scholarship | F.Y.B.A. Highest Aggregate marks |
Late Sultan Nathani Scholarship | Highest marks in Psychology – F.Y.B.A. |
Rui Smith Scholarship | Highest marks in Hindi – F.Y.B.A. |
Roque Francis Dsouza Scholarship | To deserving student of the F.Y.B.Com class |
Palmira & John Fernandes Scholarship | Highest marks in English Literature – F.Y.B.A. |
Edward Saldanha Scholarship | Deserving 1st Class student of F.Y.B.A. |
Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | Highest marks in Economics – F.Y.B.A. |
Azim Tapia Scholarship | Highest marks in – F.Y.B.Com. |
Germaine Remedios Scholarship | Highest marks in Mathematics & Statistics – F.Y.B.Com |
Palmira and John Fernandes Scholarship | Highest marks in English Literature – S.Y.B.A. |
Mercy Raj Memorial Scholarship & | Highest marks in History – S.Y.B.A. |
Mikhail Gorbachev Scholarship | |
Louis & Annie Gonsalves Scholarship | Most deserving Catholic student of – S.Y.B.A. |
Agnello Menezes Scholarship | Most deserving student of S.Y.B.A. |
Sheila Chaves Scholarship | Most deserving student of S.Y.B’A. |
The Late Res Pinto Scholarship | S.Y.B.Com. Highest Aggregate marks |
Louis & Annie Gonsalves Scholarship | Most deserving student of – S.Y.B.Com. |
Kenneth Remedios Scholarship | Highest marks in Advertising – S.Y.B.Com. |
Clifford Athaide Memorial Scholarship | TYBA Highest Aggregate marks at University Examination |
The Cardinal Simon Pimenta Scholarship | TYBA Highest Aggregate marks at University Examination |
Mabel Tavares Memorial Scholarship | Highest marks in Mathematics & Statistics with 1st Class at the T.Y.B.A. |
Late Edwin D’Souza Scholarship & Mr. Willie & Ms. Mary D’Souza Scholarship | Highest marks in History Major (TYBA) |
Lawrence & Maria D’Abreo Scholarship | For a deserving Catholic student for consistent all round Academic excellence in FY, SY and TYBA |
Bishnupriya Chakravarti Scholarship | For securing 1st Class in Sociology Major (6 papers) at the TYBA Examination. |
Palmira and John Fernandes Scholarship | Highest marks in English Literature (TYBA) |
Rabindranath & Aparna Sen Scholarship | Highest marks in English at the TYBA Examination. |
Prof. Prafulla Pereira Scholarship & Emilia Gomendes Memorial Scholarship | Highest marks in Psychology (TYBA) |
The Late Queenie Lobo Scholarship | Highest marks in Economics (TYBA) |
Rev. Dr. Percival Fernandez Scholarship | TYBCom Highest Aggregate marks at University Examination |
Lawrence & Maria D’Abreo Scholarship | For a deserving Catholic student for consistent all round Academic excellence in FY, SY and TYBCom. |
T.R. Arunachalam Scholarship & Ms. Veeda Menezes Scholarship | Highest marks in Financial Accounting & Auditing (TYBCom) |
Clement Dos Remedios Scholarship | Highest marks in M.P.P. (TYBCom) |
The Late Savio Ignatius Pereira Scholarship | Deserving poor catholic student, securing a minimum 70% marks in the BMS University Examination |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | F.Y.B.M.S.(Semester I & II) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | S.Y.B.M.S.(Semester III & IV) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | T.Y.B.M.S.(Semester V & VI) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | F.Y.B.M.M.(Semester I & II) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | S.Y.B.M.M.(Semester III & IV) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | T.Y.B.M.M.(Semester V & VI) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | F.Y.B.Sc-IT.(Semester I & II) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | S.Y.B.Sc-IT.(Semester III & IV) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | T.Y.B.Sc-IT.(Semester V & VI) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | F.Y.B.Com.(A&F)(Semester I & II) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | S.Y.B.Com.(A&F)(Semester III & IV) |
The Late Res Pinto Memorial Scholarship | T.Y.B.Com.(A&F)(Semester V & VI) |
Late Vinod Mehra Scholarship | Outstanding performance in Inter-collegiate Dramatic Competition |
Marie Correa Scholarship | All round performance(Male) |
Marie Correa Scholarship | All round performance(Female) |
Swavalamban Helfta Vikas Mandal Awards in memory of Mrs. Elfreda D’Almeida | Outstanding qualities in leadership and social awareness (NSS) |
Principal A.D. Mascarenhas Award | Excellence in Academic & Sports (combined) in First Year |
Clifford Athaide Memorial Scholarship | Best Sportswoman of the Year |
Clifford Athaide Memorial Scholarship | Best Sportsman of the Year |
Academic Awards – Junior College:
The Gerry Saldanha Memorial Scholarship | To the student who secures the highest marks at the H.S.C. Examination (Arts Stream) and continues in St. Andrew’s College |
The Anthony Marcelino Salgardo D’Souza Memorial Scholarship | To the student who secures the highest marks at the H.S.C. Examination (Commerce Stream) |
The Robert Mascarenhas Scholarship | To the student who secures the highest marks at the H.S.C. Examination (Science Stream) |
The Late Edwin D’Souza Scholarship | To the Catholic student obtaining the highest marks in physics, Chemistry & Mathematics at the H.S.C. Examination |
The Late Mrs. Rita Vaz Scholarship | To a deserving Catholic student of F.Y.J.C. |
Principal A. D. Mascarenhas Award | Excellence in Academics & Sports (combined) in F.Y.J.C. (Std. XI) |
College award: | Best boy and Girl student of the year |